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Insurance Coverage for Your Agency

E&O Program

 Get an E​&O Quote ​

  • Members have access to broad coverages at competitive pricing through Big I NH's E&O insurance program
  • The E&O program is one of the highest utilized member services in many instances
  • This program alone saves members more money than the amount of dues that they pay Big I NH annually
  • Most agencies will be eligible for the Big "I" Professional Liability Program provided by Swiss RE or Fireman's Fund.  Some agencies may not meet the guidelines for this program, but Big I NH's E&O staff can determine if your agency is eligible.  The staff can also procure E&O policy quotes from other carriers.
  • IIABA has the largest national independent insurance agent's E&O program in the United States.  With a committee of member agents, state association personnel, and Big I national staff tasked with overseeing this program, we will quickly respond to your agency's needs.


Fireman's Fund Application

Swiss Re Application

Contact Information
Joan Pageau
P:  603-224-3965

Virtual Risk Consultant

  • Online client service resource tool
  • Provides the resources you need to understand your customer's operation and exposures while identifying applicable coverages
  • Gives you resources your agency needs (Ex: E&O checklists, sales and marketing tools, proposal language, training and development support)

More Information